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The Stone's Rebirth



ARTEPISO CIA. LTDA. is a company dedicated to the production and innovation  of cultured manufactured stones. All of our products are  developed from new technology and techniques that create unique  textures and colors that are  Light,  easy, and simple to install on any type of surface.


Artepiso is a leading company in the production of manufactured stone in South America and, therefore, we can respond to the demand of the 10+ countries where our company exports to. We pride ourselves on the extensive catalog of products and options we offer  for the construction industry since our foundation in  2002.

The Company

Characteristics of Our Product

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One of the most significant examples of how Artepiso imitates  natural stone  can be noticed in the randomized veins and streaks found in some of our most popular products (ie Ledgerstone,  Flat Ledgerstone), making every piece unique and different to each other.


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Our products are made from natural components that slightly change the tone of our veneer from tile to tile. This tone variation is just another way in which our products accurately  resemble natural stone and it does not have an  effect on the quality of such.  


During  installation, we recommend mixing pieces from different boxes to make this tone variation even more noticeable.

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Pores, like veins,  are  naturally formed  during  Artepiso's manufacturing process and improve the resemblance to natural stone.

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Intentionally, many of our products come in different dimensions (formats)  mixed in every box and some may even vary in thickness up to 5 mm.

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